Pupils were acquainted with the activity of the university
Lecturers of Western Caspian University have met with about 15,000 pupils
Professors and lecturers of the private Western Caspian University of Azerbaijan held meetings with pupils from more than 250 secondary schools in Baku and regions during the 2017/2018 academic year. Training was covering topics such as eliminating stress before the exams, appropriately choosing specialties, propagation of the engineering profession which is highly demanded in the labor market.
At the same time, the students were informed about Western Caspian University. In recent years, the university has implemented measures to study the quality of teaching, expanded cooperation with international institutions and leading universities for methodological improvement as well as improvements in the material and technical base and infrastructure.
The university carries out exchange of teachers and students with prestigious universities of the world within the framework of international exchange programs, such as “Erasmus plus” and “Mevlana” programs. Students studying in the MBA program have the opportunity to obtain three diplomas thanks to the cooperation of Western Caspian University, Swiss Business & International Studies (UBIS) and Potomac University (USA). Starting from the current year, students can choose one the studies of Management, Marketing, Banking and Finance can obtain the third diploma.
Students were also informed that he is currently being implemented in engineering specialties carried out by the School of the High Technology and Innovative Engineering as well as the school of High Technology Park (Techno Park).
Technopark has a business incubation center, technological transfer office, mechatronics, and robotics laboratory, bank of the idea and other centers as well as there is a free access to Technopark. Students with ideas have access to Techno Park and get support. Techno Park attracts secondary school students in different projects and practices, striving to increase their interest in engineering as well as develop their skills and abilities.
One of these projects (Vooby - English Language Learning Platform) had won awards at the international competition in Turkey that was held in collaboration by the university students and secondary school students in the Technopark.