One day at university

UNEC (Azerbaijan State University of Economics) continues realization of “One day at UNEC” project which is very popular among high-grade pupils.
The pupils of senior classes of the school number 71 named after E.Misirkhanov of Sabunchu district Baku city became the one day students of UNEC. The pupils have presented the symbolic student identification card and they were given the detailed information about UNEC. The pupils said that they had already familiarized with the international relations, exchange and the special scholarship programs of UNEC and they stated that they were more interested in the financial, accounting and management specialties. The tutor of the faculty answered the questions of the pupils on the teaching process and the specialties. Then the one day students attended the economy of the company, macroeconomics, marketing, financial analysis, and management classes.
The pupils also observed the process of the colloquium at the university. Within the day the informative tour at UNEC was organized for the schoolchildren. They also got acquainted with the UNEC library, the assembly halls, the UNEC Radio, and canteen.
They noted that the “One day at UNEC” project had greatly supported their specialty selection. Getting acquainted with the lesson schedule of the first courses, they noted that for attending the classes in other subjects they would become one day students again in the next few days. And even stressing their desire to participate in the winter examination session, the pupils said that the “One day at UNEC” project was an incredible opportunity for the prospective university student.
The project creates a chance for the pupils to be students of UNEC for one day and the main aim of the project is introducing the university in details to the pupils of 10-11th grades. At the same time, the project creates the opportunity for pupils to get consultations on existing study programs of the university and to participate in the classes as listeners.
During autumn semester 500 pupils from 32 schools have participated in the project. Students were provided conditional student ID cards and allowed to participate in selected classes. Additionally, UNEC organized one-day info tour for the pupils at the university.