Childcare centers are being developed in Azerbaijan regions

Through the support of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan the Azerbaijan Society of Disabled Women is successfully developing childcare centers, where the kids can be in the daytime.
These Centers have been established within the framework of a three-year project called “Establishment and Operation of Daycare Centers” in order to help parents make the right decision and to caution children against transferring them to State children's institutions, to ensure the access of children and families living in sub-human conditions to social services.
The project became possible due to the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev dated January 9, 2013 "On additional measures to provide social services for children with disabilities and those in a dangerous social situation that have not reached adolescence" and the support of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population.
According to the chairman of the Azerbaijan Society of Disabled Women Mahluga Rahimova the analogical center was set up in the Gazakh region of Azerbaijan. In the course of the day, the Center provides social services for 30 children aged 3 to 12 years who are in great dire family straits, and also delivers trainings for the development of their skills. The children are provided with two meals a day and a bedroom. Staff of 16 employees was involved in teaching and educational process in this Center. Pre-school (from 3 to 6 years) and school age (from 7 to 12 years) groups are operated here. Classes for social adaptation, their perception and physical development, interactive lessons on the development of daily life and cognitive skills are also given in the Centre.
Trainings and seminars were also delivered for the staff of the Center. Such issues as identifying children involved in these centers, providing daily care and services on development and improving their knowledge and skills, organizing of pedagogical, psychological and creative lessons are discussed in seminars.
Among the lessons that kindled teachers’ interested were such as conducting research for the development of daily life (functional) skills, increasing the possibility of independent life and social work with them. Trainings on providing social rehabilitation services for parents, opening of different groups according to children’s interests and abilities, assisting them in preparing their homework, using of ICT by children, developing their cognitive abilities were organized here.
Since the beginning of the project, in the course of explanatory works, trainings and consultations with parents in the Gazakh region, 29 children who were to be transferred to boarding schools left in their own families.
Parents of children were assisted in establishing relationships with government authorities and dealing with their social problems. During the period of the project regarding to great dire family straits, 37 parents turned to the Center. In order to improve the information awareness of parents and the population of the region, information-cognitive booklets were prepared within the framework of this project. These booklets contain information on project mission, planned works, photos and legislation in the field of social services.